The WHR Legacy continues on with Beverly ...Where the pursuit of perfecting horse & rider is a way of life
Wil Howe Ranch Training DVD's
Though Wil's message makes a strong impact on the novice, it more specifically benefits experienced horsemen who have been searching for real, tangible horse-training knowledge to truly help them develop a better performing horse but who have only found vague information and myths presented as magic to this point.
The Wil Howe program works for building an all-around well-broke horse: one that is soft-minded, responsive, and mannerly on the ground as well as under the saddle; one that is giving and will carry his head correctly in any bit; one that stays collected and composed, able to get in the ground and stop on a dime; a horse that reins and turns around comfortably so you can handle cattle or rough country effortlessly; a horse that is versatile and reliable in all situations, whether on the ranch or in the show arena.
From Foundation to Finished©
Training Program & Products Preview
This is a fast-moving, action-packed overview of the Wil Howe Ranch From Foundation to Finished© training program, including background on Wil, clips from Wil & Beverly's five-hour, three-tape video series, and information on their schools, clinics, round pens, training equipment, and the quality performance geldings they offer for sale.
DVD or VHS - $11.95 S & H included
To order, call Beverly at 541-893-6535
From Foundation to Finished© Series
This is a three-part, five-hour video series which comes with separate booklets of notes and reminders for each tape and covers Wil's complete program for keeping your horses cooperative, responsive, and tuned for performance. Whether you're working colts or re-schooling older horses, this program will provide you with the tools to advance your horse to any level you choose.
Video 1 - Establishing Leadership from the Ground Up..."The Proper Perspective"
Video 2 - 10-Step Training Program..."The Formula for Success"
Video 3 - Beyond the Snaffle Bit..."The Art of Finishing Horses"
DVD or VHS - available individually, or buy the set for $195.00 plus $13 S&H
Value Package - 6 videos or DVDs for $349.95 plus $17 S&H
Includes all three From Foundation to Finished videos, plus Horses...How & Why - The Start with Control & Trust and The Little Things That Count Parts 1 & 2
To order, call Beverly Howe at 541-893-6535
Horses...Howe & Why
The Start with Control & Trust
3 Colts - 3 Days - 3 First Rides
Focusing on the reality of starting young horses, Wil shares his message in easy, down-to-earth language. Emphasizing the importance of safety through control and control built on trust, Wil and Beverly demonstrate step-by-step how to create a willing horse that is light-mouthed, responsive to direction and forward impulsion, and able to handle situations of mental and physical pressure in a relaxed manner... all prior to getting on! Make that "first ride" a positive experience for you and your horse.
DVD or VHS - $69.95 plus $7 S&H
To order, call Beverly Howe at 541-893-6535
Horses...Howe & Why
The Little Things That Count Part 1 & Part 2
Practical Horsemanship with Beverly Howe
These fun, informative tapes are packed full of useful, easy tips and corrections; a guide for everyday handling of horses and effective riding habits. Presented in Beverly’s characteristic, light-hearted, "explanatory" way, you’ll learn what Wil & Beverly feel qualifies as Acceptable Equine Behavior and how to maintain it in your horse. These simple instructions will keep you and your horse on the right track, both on the ground and in the saddle, because . . ."it’s the little things that count", making a big difference in your horse's overall attitude and behavior.
DVD or VHS - $59.95 each plus $7 S&H SAVE! Buy both for $99.95 plus $12 S&H
To order, call Beverly Howe at 541-893-6535
Horses...Howe & Why
Hobble Training
The Ultimate Attitude Adjustment
The groundwork of the Wil Howe Ranch From Foundation to Finished training program begins with establishing leadership of your horse in the round pen. In this video, we've highlighted the element of Wil's groundwork which is the cornerstone of obtaining positive lasting results in your horse's attitude...hobble training.
DVD or VHS - $29.95 plus $7 S&H
To order, call Beverly Howe at 541-893-6535