The WHR Legacy continues on with Beverly ...Where the pursuit of perfecting horse & rider is a way of life
Articles written about
Wil & Beverly Howe...
Click on the title to read the article
"Beverly Howe...Dreams Do Come True"
Don Carlton, Horse Central Magazine, July 1999
"Wil Howe, the Trainer. Where Did He Come From?"
Bob Remington, SW Horseman, August 1990
Patti Hudson, Western Horseman, April 1996
Becky Hatfield Hyde, Cascade Horse, December 1997
"Trainer Says Snaffle Bits are Just the Beginning"
Terrel Williams, Ag Weekly, April 1994
Articles written by
Wil & Beverly Howe...
Click on the title to read the article
The "Horses...Howe & Why" Series
Equestrian Connection Magazine, 1988
"Horses & Their Herd Instincts"
"Don't Forget the Ground Manners"
"The Right Start - Weanling Handling"
"Tips from The Little Things That Count"
Summer 2000 Newsletter
Winter 1999 Newsletter
Summer 1999 Newsletter
"More Advice & Tips for Winter Horse Care"
Winter 1998 Newsletter
"Competitors! Give Your Horse the Respect of a Tune-Up"
Competitor News, February 1998
"Cowhorses--A Slow Start is the Best Start"
Competitor News, January 1998
Fall 1997 Newsletter