The WHR Legacy continues on with Beverly ...Where the pursuit of perfecting horse & rider is a way of life
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Video #3
Beyond the Snaffle Bit
"The Art of Finishing Horses"
Find out The Rest of the Story...Finishing a Horse!
In the third video, Beyond the Snaffle Bit, Wil and his wife Beverly share priceless skills that take you beyond the plateau of the two-handed snaffle bit pulling technique of directing your horse. They will show you how, why, and when to advance your horse to neck reining, one-handed, in a finished, leverage (curb) bit.
Learn how to creatively put Wil’s 10 Step Program to use in putting a finished handle on your horse in, as well as out of, the round pen
Learn how to progress through a series of bits, applying the proper transition techniques for each bit, and see how different bits and reins affect and refine your horse's responses
You’ll be shown in detail that it is the finessed application of Wil’s reining techniques (handling of the reins) that is the key to enhancing your horse's performance for one-handed riding
By taking the horses up hills and out on the trail, you’ll learn how this exposure gives you the opportunity to maintain your control of all four corners of your horse while teaching him how to use himself, which is both physically and mentally challenging
Running Time: Approx. 120 minutes