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School Student Mailbox


Take a few minutes to read what our students have to say about their time with us...

Like many trainers that I have observed, Wil is very adept in the art of obtaining rapid results from the horses that he rides and with what appears to be very little difficulty. I was impressed, however, with the success that we students had in obtaining similar results from our own animals, and how horse and rider both walked away with no confusion or frustration whatsoever. In this way, Wil's clinic differed and greatly surpassed any clinic that I had ever attended or observed in the past. Yes, I really believe that Wil Howe is the start of something very big and revolutionary in the horse world. With great enthusiasm, I would encourage everyone from backyard horse owner to the professional trainer to attend a Wil Howe clinic.

A.R., Moses Lake, WA

Wil's first season of clinics back in 1983!


I returned home from your school excited and at the same time exhausted. I got so much out of one week I can hardly believe it. I highly recommend your school. It is worth every dime. I believe if a person is doing horses, they can't afford not to go to your school.

J.K., Shelton, WA


I got a job training at kind of an apprentice level at a pretty big-time outfit. They're into working cowhorse, snaffle bit, reining, and cutting--everything I have been interested in! I have been getting to ride some colts and this fall will help start the two-year-olds. I just wanted you both to know that your program has had a huge influence on me and I never would have even come to landing this job if I hadn't experienced your schools and clinics. I am just very thankful to know you and to have learned from you. Thank you both for everything.

V.K., Bend, OR


Just wanted to drop you a line and express my deepest appreciation. There is not a day goes by in the saddle that I don't think about your words of wisdom. I have never in my life experienced a teacher in any walk of life, teaching any subject, as effective as you two. Your dedication and persistence and knowledge will be with me and help me in every way for the rest of my life in horsemanship. The teaching in plain, easy to-understand English, leaves no doubt in your mind what you need to improve on and what steps you need to do in training yourself or your mount. Going from not riding in years to winning numerous events and trophy buckles is tribute to your dedication and hard work as instructors. Any person with a dedicated interest in horses would benefit from your program and philosophy, as well as the little things to hone your skills. I would recommend your program to any horseman of any age; they won't be disappointed.

R.B., Brooklyn, NY


I just wanted to write you a note of appreciation and affection for your both. The Reinsman course last week will probably turn out to be life-changing for me...I look at my own horses now through a much more sophisticated set of "glasses" and recognize my abilities with much more confidence. Thank you for your time, input, and encouragement. I look forward to putting all we learned into practice and to riding with you both again in the future.

D.L., Ramona, CA


The lessons that I learned while riding my stallion at your place in Cochise, Arizona, have proved so valuable. Not only is he a better cutting horse, but he has softened to the point that I can allow my two daughters, ages 9 and 12, to ride him. He has such a light touch now that he responds to their slightest motions...the Balance board that we purchased from you is always set up in our livingroom and we all jump on it when we get the time. This tool has also provided not only me, but even our youngest child, with more balance and confidence (and it's fun and addicting, too!)...thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and encouragement. The back drop of the Cochise Stronghold and the Arizona landscape made it truly a great break to get away from it all!

L.S., Hayward, WI


Thank you, thank you for all your help and sharing all your knowledge. I left your beautiful cozy ranch with such excitement and enthusiasm. You both gave me a better understanding of "the horse". Cherokee is such a compliment to your training talents. He looks and responds with total poise and refinement--just so polished. You and Wil are masters in your profession.

L.G., Eugene, OR


You are the best. Thank you for your knowledge, energy, willingness, encouragement, and patience. I feel the week I was with you, I improved a ton. You and Wil catch every little thing, many times when you weren't even looking my way...which I haven't quite figured out yet! Just as horses are imprinted at birth, I feel you and Wil have been imprinted on the "re-birth" of my riding. I now have the tools that will be with me for a lifetime and help me grow with every horse I have. Please know how grateful I am to you and Wil for teaching me what you know. I now have another goal...getting good enough to fulfill my dream of competing in a reining or reined cow horse event. I have learned ever so quickly that life is short and precious. I don't believe in coincidences; I believe I met you and Wil so that I could get the CORRECT tools to advance. Thank you!

N.B., Tigard, OR


I wanted to let you know how we have been doing since the last school. After getting home, I continued to work on "our issues". Jackson remembered his lessons immediately and gave me no trouble. Unfortunately, I had trained him to be spooky and to get away with bad behavior, so now I have to retrain him and me! But actually, everything has gone pretty well and it all turned out to be quite simple. Round pen, hobbles, bridling up, showing the Romel when needed, and, of course, improving my timing! I bow in your direction at least once a week. Jackson and I were getting so tangled up, thank you for straightening us out! My hopes for him have always been that he would be a good horse, and now I think he will be.

A.B., Bellingham, WA


Words cannot express the wonderful time I had at the Ladies' Week. It was a life experience that will stay with me forever. It helped me recognize strengths and weaknesses in my life and my person, and has given me the confidence to be the person I was meant to be. Thanks so much!!!

J.K., Altmont, MI



I wanted to let you both know what an amazing week my Dad and I had at your school. Your hospitality and kindness made both of us feel very welcomed at your ranch. Observing your exceptional horsemanship was very educational for us. We are extremely motivated to become quality horsemen. We are truly fortunate to have spent a week under your guidance. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to you both for sharing your knowledge with us. If you are ever on this side of the country, please drop in.

T. & G.W., Tuscombia, AL


I attended the clinic you held in March in Washington and I am just writing to say thank you for everything that you taught me. I started my two-year-old in June, took her to her first open show with only about ten rides on her, and she did wonderful. I used the bitting techniques and now I'm working on the 10 Step Program with her. I am attending OSA and she and I are going to be on the Western Equestrian team. If it wasn't for your clinic, I wouldn't be nearly as far along with her as I am, and certainly not on the equestrian team. Just wanted to say thank you very much!

C.E., Dallas, OR


May I say, you kids (this student is 70 years old!) do a wonderful job with your teaching. I went into quite some detail of your methods to my wife (a school teacher for 35 years) and she says you have real talent for teaching, a wonderful clear goal in mind, and tremendous patience. Plus energy, enthusiasm, and love for your subject (and I might add, great love and respect for each other). That's a truly valuable combination! I sincerely hope your lives are, and will continue to be, enriched, as you enrich the lives of others.

R.N., West Richland, WA


I wanted to take some time out to let you both know how much I enjoyed your school. Yours is a great program; it would do me good to repeat it. It has been said, and I think with generosity, that in most any field of endeavor, the participants' index of competency is as follows: 2% are master, 8% are adept, 36% are students, and 54% are indifferent. The masters can interview, diagnose, plan treatments, educate, motivate, and do case-by-case explanation. The adept are well-versed, proficient, and skilled. The student will need help in various areas, and with time will progress to a higher level. I would place you two in the category of masters and place myself in the category of student. I would recommend any serious student to your program. The stuff works!!! Meeting good folks and spending quality time with them is the stuff a rich life is made of. On this I count myself very fortunate and you have added to that. It may interest you in knowing that some folks around here have heard of Wil and his "high-performance reiners".

R.P., Hartselle, AL


I had a terrific time at your Cow Working course. Both of you worked very hard and diligently to get us "green hands" started in moving cattle properly. I appreciate your efforts and your patience. Just as importantly the course stressed safety for me and my horse while learning to move cattle. It is very easy to abandon safety when trying to remember where to position your horse and how to get them there while the cow is not cooperating and staying put. The review and constant reinforcement in safety procedures in tacking up the horse is just as important. We all need to be reminded and, if necessary, reminded agin more forcefully to be aware of the dangers of mounting the horse without proper preparation. You will see me again!

J.F., Ketchum, ID


Thank you so very much for such a great time, and an educational one. I really feel I benefited a great deal from all the schooling in the May and June classes. I learned so much and you did such a good job with my horse, Billy. One great part was the bonus of meeting you two and how you made me feel so at home there at the ranch.

M., Vancouver, WA


Just a note to let you know how much I enjoyed the Ladies Only week with Beverly at your ranch. It was everything I thought it would be and more! I learned so much, and I know all my little successes throughout the week were supported by your expertise and encouragement. Thank you for being such a gracious hostess, patient instructor, and a lot of fun around the campfire at night!

M.W., Chicago, IL


I just wanted to thank you for all the teaching you have given me over the years. I honestly feel like I have a new horse. Magic sure has been patient with me! I will always return to you to remember what I have forgotten, but now I am finally starting to feel like I really understand things. I have had Magic for seven years, so I guess it's me who is "in the slow reading group"! Ha ha...It's hard to put into words all that you have done for me. Your place has always been a safe spot for us. Sometimes saying thank you is just not enough.

C.E., Kirkland, WA


Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your family for a week! I was overwhelmed by your patience and kindness. I cannot think of anyway you could have made the experience more complete or enjoyable. Please give yourselves a huge pat on the back for devoting your lives to the pursuit of enhancing peoples' awareness and understanding of horses, as well as providing a few select and deserving individuals with the PERFECT HORSE for their needs! I know I am not the easiest person to instruct, as "knowing everything" is an inherited trait and I got more than my fair share! Yet you were able to instill in me an understanding of your techniques and philosophies on horsemanship that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. All in all, on a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate your school a 100!!! I never felt that I was rushed to get through the material. You always took the time to ensure that every student got all they could from the lesson. I will continue to work on what I learned there, and look forward to returning soon to continue my quest to improve my abilities. Until next time,

H.P., Dexter, NY


Thank you once again for sharing your knowledge, teaching ability, and horses. I thoroughly enjoyed your new "OutPost" and my first stay in Arizona. I always return from a week with you with my cup much fuller than when I left.

J.F., Lakebay, WA

I just wanted to let you know that I had a great time up there. I learned so much more in just one week with you guys than the ten years I've been riding. It was such a privilege to meet you both and learn from you. You're awesome horse trainers and great people. Thank you so much for the whole experience.

S.K., Trabuco Canyon, CA


Yes, your instruction and methods have made a good impact on me. I am impressed with your instruction and you are the most knowledgeable people I ever met. Your presentation is good, and easy to understand. In my case, old habits are hard to break, but I have got the message, and I know the 10 Steps. I hope to get back to go through the course at least one more time. Again, thanks for all your kindness and your patience.

H.M., Worland, WY


Thanks again for letting me share a week with you and attend your school. I really had a great time and I learned a lot. It was an experience that I will draw on for the rest of my life. Looking forward to you finding me the right horse.

K.M., Longview, WA


Just wanted to say thanks for your support and encouragement, you both have been great strengths to me in my life. You've taught more about horse training than I'll ever realize and I am forever grateful.

Z.S., Riverton, UT


I'm so pleased to have hooked up with you two. The week I spent with you was truly a wonderful time. I worked, I learned, I had fun, and I came away equipped with valuable tools that give me self-assurance. Of course, I have a world yet to learn, but I know where to turn for information and answers.

D.T., Federal Way, WA


The time we spent at your school was a real "kick in the pants" as well as a serious learning experience that brought your tapes to life. Your willingness to ensure that we understood the concepts of your training methods, as well as your expertise and finesse with horses, are truly appreciated. The persistence and humor with which you conducted the clinic made for a very worthwhile and enjoyable experience. Feel free to have anyone contact us who wants to talk with two enthusiastic school graduates.

R.U., Alliance, NE


I think I am a better-than-average student of horses, riding and training. During the last 20 years, I have seldom been without at least one horse. I have read dozens of books and articles about horses. I have been to many clinics and teachers as well. I have a drawer full of tapes. I know a lot about horses in general. But for some reason, I have never been able to put together what I know. Somehow I got stuck at a mediocre level. Knowledge that isn't applied is not worth much. It is close to worthless. In my view, you have set yourself apart from the others I have encountered because your material is focused. It goes in a straight line, leaving out the nonsensical, extraneous baloney. It gives a better idea of what I'm trying to accomplish. I wish I had known about you a long time ago. I think I would be miles ahead, but then on the other hand, I might not have been able to see the benefits in your program without my previous experiences. Regardless, I am getting plenty of benefit now.

A.B., Willow Creek, MT


We want to personally thank you for your efforts in helping us improve our cow horse showing. The weekend after the clinic, I showed our stallion at our cow horse club here. Unfortunately, you forgot to teach Dazzle how to count, because he went on one too many circles! Anyway, I did, however, put the techniques I learned in your class to good use. We had a great boxing run, and the fence work is really where your tips helped. I remembered Wil saying that if you are having problems getting your horse past the cow on the fence, to look up, past the cow, and your horse will go by. It worked just as quoted. Dazzle had a great run, and next time the idiot on his back will count better! And yes...we are stopping before we turn!!!


We showed herd work and cow horse this past weekend, and both horses did great! Dazzle had a spectacular run in the Open Bridle, with 70 plus dry work and an awesome run going in the cow class--his fence work was perfect. Unfortunately, in the circles, he ran the cow over after it stopped, and was QQ'd. But it made an impression with the group! To sum all this up, you guys are great teachers, you know your stuff, and it works! Tell Wil I am not loaning out this collection of tapes!

Rocking 40 Quarter Horses, Willits, CA


I enjoyed the "Foundation to Finished" school and later, the private riding session on April 1st. I also want you to know that I took all of your comments to heart and try to apply everything I learned from you both. I know that, if not a better rider (which I also think I am) I am a better person for having met and enjoyed your friendship and teachings. I just seem to brim over with desire to impart everything I have learned at the clinic and lesson. Thanks again for everything I have learned from you two and for your friendship. This has been an exciting journey of discovery and self-improvement. You will be pleased with my improvement. I have hobble-broke a couple of horses for the owner where I board. She is very pleased with the effect it has on her horses.

D.C., Sun City, AZ (70 years young!)


At your School of Fine Horse Training, you showed me the fundamentals of reining in a way that I could understand the hows and whys and what-to-do's. I did as you suggested, I chased the clinics, I watched the horses being warmed-up before the shows, and I talked to as many trainers as I could. But if I ever had any doubt, I would always return to your formula and it has paid off successfully--I won High Point Champion at a reining show and won or placed in several more. Thanks to you and your 10 Step formula, I have graduated from Green Reiner to the Open Classes. Thanks again.

T.W., Tuscumbia, AL


I just wanted to say that I had a wonderful time at the ranch and learned even more the second time around at your Ladies' class--I was amazed! I could tell that you put so much effort and energy into your teaching. Thanks for sharing your passion so generously.

M.W., Naperville, IL

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