Autumn News from the Wil Howe Ranch
Just a quick note from the WHR-- Arizona Schedule, New Gelding Videos Online, Get Out and Vote!!!

First . . . We are preparing for our 10th winter season in Arizona! and have a full and exciting Horsemanship Course schedules lated for the winter months at our Southwest Outpost in Cochise. Click here for our online schedule and get signed up early for discounts. If you have been wanting to attend and have put it off, this would be the year. Who knows how much longer we'll be doing this!
Secondly... We have been videotaping our 2010 Bonanza String of WHR Geldings so you may now view many of the geldings. Some are still being done and cow working clips are being added, so keep checking for updates. If you have been on the fence about puchasing one of our Wil Howe geldings this would be the time to get off the fence and buy one-- we have such a special group this year, all are outstanding in their own right. It's a great selection, so get on one! To ride a WHR gelding is to own one! Click here to view our current string, or call Wil for details at 541-893-6535.
Thirdly...A friendly reminder to get out there and VOTE! We don't need to tell you how to cast it, just stand up and be a part of this great country, defend it, rejoice and have gratitude for our American freedoms by sending a message that we care and know what's going on and we are not going to take it anymore! God Bless America! Let's all act like the kind of folks who deserve a blessing. Start at home in the corral with your horse--be fair and just in all your actions, and your horse will respond...then try it on your family, be responsible and take charge, and at your workplace, treat others as you would have them treat you. Stand up and share that good news with everyone with whom you come in contact because it all starts here, in the heart. We are worthy, we can make our own choices, and we need not be force Fed (get it!?!). Stay awake, get involved, and care about this great Republic and all that it stands nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
If you enjoy the privilege of riding horses and living a life free to ride when and where you choose, whether it's in your own back yard or on BLM or National Forest ground, you might think twice and get involved in your local chapters of the American Horse Council and the Back Country Horsemen of America, and be sure to stay abreast of the legislative initiatives regarding rights you may be losing right under your nose in your very own state.

Until the last leaf falls...
Happy Harvest Season!
Wil & Beverly
Wil Howe Ranch The West's Best Kept Secret Good Horses & Education Raising the Standard for over 30 years
