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SOLD 2008 Classy "Head Turning" Pretty Bay All-Around Cadillac!, 15 Hands, 1200 lbs.

Levi is a cool horse. At nine, he's a solid and grounded individual. He has worn a lot of hats, having done a variety of jobs. He's a talented reiner with a ground-eating stop; a smooth, composed loper that enjoys his arena work but really shines out on the trail. Ears up, unflappable personality, been extensively trail ridden, crosses water, bogs, bridges and tarps, etc. He's been ridden around bon fires, downtown parades, ranch-sorted, and shown in ranch riding as well. The ideal versatility horse, started at heeling too, cowy and athletic yet a calm and cool-headed babysitter as well. He's everything we hoped for and more, taking to our WHR training program and acid tests with ease...he stands as one of our premier picks of the year.


For all horse inquiries, please call Wil Howe Ranch at 541-893-6535 mornings or evenings Pacific Time for personal attention to your requests. Remember, we usually have several geldings not currently listed. $20,000 and up. Let us help you find the horse of your dreams! Click here for details on purchasing a WHR gelding.

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