This is a very gentle, all-around trail and cow horse. With the best of cow horse breeding, Ravello is sired by NCHA Futurity Champion Royal Fletch and out of a Little Peppy & Smart Little Lena mare. He's had all phases of cow work training and use, including being a NCHA money earning Cutting horse. He also is well-started at heeling, with a super stop and lots of natural talent; he's all business in the box and walks on a loose rein everywhere. This cool-headed little guy is a super versatile individual with a very quiet mouse-type personality. He's got a hobby horse lope, nice reining handle, and is now riding smoothly in the bridle. Used outside a lot on the ranch, he's great in the hills and trails. Fun, willing and easy to ride, Ravello is ideal for any cow horse competition from cutting to cow horse, roping or ranch sorting, for a youth or novice. This first-class little guy has pleased us with his trainability and steady demeanor. He will go anywhere and do anything for you and make ya grin all the while.
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The WHR Legacy continues on with Beverly ...Where the pursuit of perfecting horse & rider is a way of life
For all horse inquiries, please call Wil Howe Ranch at 541-893-6535 mornings or evenings Pacific Time for personal attention to your requests. Remember, we usually have several geldings not currently listed. $20,000 and up. Let us help you find the horse of your dreams! Click here for details on purchasing a WHR gelding.
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