July, 2008
Dear friends,
Summer is well on its way and we are just coming up for air! After arriving back at the home ranch in Oregon from Arizona May 13th, we jumped in full swing, getting the place in order, unpacking, and preparing the ranch for our spring training sessions and horse client visits. Check out our recap of the May & June classes and Wil Howe Ranch Grapevine News below!
As June closes and the July temperatures rise here in Eagle Valley, we are heading to the higher, cooler country of western Wyoming for a month or so. We'll be staying some 30 miles out of Daniel at the upper summer range of the Grindstone Cattle Company. We are taking several geldings that we'll be riding on the ranch daily, getting in lots of miles, seeing plenty of cattle, and schooling them into the full bridle. If you are trying to reach us about schools or horses, please just leave word on our answering machine at 541-893-6535 and we'll be checking messages every couple days. Till then, Happy Trails!
From Foundation to Finished Course scheduled with Return Riders Round-Up Extravaganza!
This is a chance to broaden your horizons and come for a full 10 days and get in on our Return Riders get together, where we practice FFF training, get one-on-one help with personal goals, head for the mountains for some awesome back-country trail riding & training exposure, and work cattle as well! The first week, September 3- 9, is the regular From Foundation to Finished course with a break day on the 10th when our Return Riders arrive. You can stay on for the Return Riders Extravaganza September 11-14. Call Beverly for details at 541-893-6535.
Last year's Round-Up was a huge success! We pick right up where you left off and move you further in your quest for refinement--call a friend you met at the Ranch and y'all come! If you would like e-mail addresses or phone numbers of your fellow horsemanship classmates, call Bonnie at 800-987-7875.

Always keep a check out for our new geldings offered for sale. As time passes, we are sliming our herd down to just a handful of good ones. It has been Wil's goal for years, and as it is just the two of us now but we still like to have our special "touch" and signature of approval on them, we find that fewer is better for us. Check out our website Horse Page for a listing of these premium geldings (click on the photo or see the link below). We have a rainbow of colors presently--a palomino, bay, red dun, black, grey, and a couple of sorrels, some with a lot of chrome, and a flashy black & white paint!
Other Wil Howe geldings, not yet posted:  a 16 hand, 8 yr, Jet Black with four high stockings and a blaze face, City Slicker-looking deluxe trail, ranch & rope horse, and one who's been on the back burner a year--ready at the end of this summer; a 14.3 hand, 6 yr, truly a one-of-a-kind stocking-legged sorrel reining cow horse, gentle, super special, all-around deluxe model. Just a teaser--call us for an appointment at 541-893-6535. DVD's are available on most horses.
We have been blessed by Dary Reed taking over our retail line and taking care of the online part of our tack business. He recently added some beautiful high-quality cinchas that really are a nice addition to one's cowboy gear; we also now have some handsome new saddle blankets at a new great price. Treat yourself and give your horse the added good looks and comfort of one of these 100% wool saddle blankets!
Be sure to give Dary a call--he'll answer any of your tack & training related questions and will help you outfit your horse with just the right gear for getting started or finishing a horse through our program. Dary will make sure you are on track in your progression From Foundation to Finished, offering our full line of tack and DVD's. If you are trail riding this summer, check out our hobbles, trail halter & Get Down ropes & bridles, etc. To order, call Dary at 509-952-3188 or click on the Tack links above.
Note: Dary's number is a cell phone, so he may be reached almost anytime. He always returns calls ASAP, so do leave a message if you don't get him! He promptly ships tack orders every week.
At our Trail Riders Horsemanship School, May 14-21, we had some folks here from Washington State and as far away as Texas! It was a great group, and we had super cool spring weather and sunshine to boot! An awesome day ride in the mountains made the week memorable for the students who, along with their horses,  progressed in confidence and techniques of handling the back country terrain trail navigation. Then we had great group of guys show up for our From Foundation to Finished class June 1-7th. It was an "all men's class" which Wil thoroughly enjoyed, as he always lays low for Beverly's all women's class later in June. Three students were a father and his two sons from Boston; the older son's horsemanship & rodeo coach from Arizona also attended as well as another horseman from western Colorado. Karl, the youngest, proved to be the best of the bunch at 12 years old. He is small for his age, but he's been showing horses for the past few years. This youngster made all the adults shape up! Superb hands, timing and feel, as shown below. We let him work with our new addition to the ranch, "Petunia", now a 3yr Mini . . .and yes, a filly!
We acquired "Petunia" last fall. Wil is a sucker for a cutie like her and it has been 8 years since Mayflower, our last mini, died. She is truly a comical addition to the family. Petunia rode to and back from Arizona in the gooseneck trailer under the geldings--no problem! They all love her! Wil is quite empowered by being able to man-handle this little horse, as a joke, of course! She is quite a pistol, a real ball of fire, and is no "little horse" in her mind!
Beverly's annual Ladies Only Practical Horsemanship Course went off well-attended again this year June 18-24. We had women from Washington, California, Illinois, North Carolina, Oregon and Idaho. Two were lucky enough to find a match, bonding up with the horse for their needs & dreams! One had been to our Ladies class earlier this year in Arizona and the other's husband attended our class in Arizona four years ago and had purchased a horse then. So, now that his wife is up-to-speed, she has a Wil Howe horse too! Congratulations to Kristin Sorani of Rogue River, Oregon, and Alison Macko from Lewisville, North Carolina, on your new horses.
Every time we get people together with good horses, good information, and good instruction, great things happen and lives are changed! A week with us will change your outlook on horses and give you the tools to make a positive relationship with your horse a possibility. We highly encourage this in your quest for better results with your horse or when trying to start anew with a new mount from us.
"Zane Grey" Still Impressing Owner!
We recently received a letter from Jerry Flynt of Ketchum, Idaho, who purchased the handsome grey gelding, "Zane Grey" which Beverly rode in Wil's From Foundation to Finished Video #3, "Beyond the Snaffle Bit". Jerry bought Zane back in 1997. It's always a treat when we get feedback and Wil Howe gelding stories from clients:
"I am still riding Zane. You sold him to us when he was 5; he is now 16. Wil, everything you told me about Zane was true. He helped me be a better rider and he is extremely well-trained. Every once and awhile a friend who is a good rider gets on Zane. In short order Zane starts operating like the really good horse he is. He suffers me and waits for the right cue so he can do the right thing. Buying Zane was one of my better decisions.
Thanks for everything. Jerry"
Versatility or What?!? Congratulations to Wendy & John Hughes & "Cash"!
Hats off to great geldings, well-trained and ready for any job . . .that would be a Wil Howe gelding. Wendy & John Hughes from upstate New York are enjoying "Cash", a 7 yr old AQHA gelding they purchased from us in February. Wendy reports: "He has done everything we've asked. . .we love him!" Here he's shown with John, who professionally ponies race horses at the tracks, warming-up for working at a a steeplechase race, along with Wendy & Cash at their first three-day event show (Dressage, Cross-Country & Stadium Jumping), where they placed 1st in the Cross-Country portion and 2nd overall in the Elementary Division. Way to go! Broke is broke. . . for any event!
Another grand horse in our lives was "I'm Country Cutter". We bought him in January of 1981 as a coming 4 year old. He had just won the Oregon Cutting Horse Association's Non-Pro Futurity and soon became Wil's very first cutting horse. Beverly trained and showed him in Western Pleasure classes as well. "Cutter" was a real one-of-a-kind. . .gorgeous eyes, beautiful to look at, big-boned, perfect and correct, a huge hip, long pencil neck and tiny ears, and a great mind--just a super cowhorse. In 1977, he was the Pacific Coast (CA) QH Association Champion Yearling Halter horse. He was built and could ride! Our vet at the time said he was built of perfect constitution and should live a long and healthy, sound life, and that he did--32 years!
We sold "I'm Country Cutter" three times in those 32 years. Our good friend, Stan St. Jeor of Grand Coulee, Washington, (who attended Wil's first clinic back in 1983), bought Cutter through us back in 1987 and owned him 14 wonderful years in which he ranch rode him, sorted and branded and made many a packing and hunting trips with Cutter until 7 years ago. In 2001, at age 25, Stan wanted to retire him and he called us. We found a great retirement home for "Cutter" as a baby-sitter for the grandkids of Bill Owens from Philadelphia, PA (Bill has bought a total of six Wil Howe geldings from us, two just last year). Bill's good friend, Jeanie Gray, has been Cutter's sole caregiver for the past seven years. She had just recently sent these pictures of Cutter taken in May. At the grand old age of 32, he was still showing his well-muscled stature and kind eyes. Then Jeanie wrote to tell us he had passed away on June 28th. Bless "Country Cutter's" heart. He was one-in-a-million and a gift to all of us who were blessed by being a part of his life. We commend Jeanie and the great care she has given him, as well as three of Bill's other WH geldings--Zack, in his late teens; Blue, now 21; and Dewey, 11 years old (the half Belgiun Quarter cross). Time flies when you have a great horse!

Remember:Â we are stewards, guardians, leaders, and companions to these wonderful creatures. Respect the responsibility of this relationship, and pursue a path of knowledge to enhance and broaden your horsemanship horizons. We are here anytime to lend a hand in your quest--it is all about priorities.
Have a blessed and wonderful month of July, and we look forward to seeing you all this fall. Don't be left out, sign up now!!!
Happy, Safe Trails & Turn- Arounds,
Beverly & Wil
and the WHR Crew--Dary, Pauline & Bonnie