Here's a bright copper penny sorrel covered with chrome with a drop-dead gorgeous conformation, baby doll head, clean neck, and big hip! Sired by a leading money-earning NRCHA reined cow horse, Smart Little Pepinic, this good-minded, gentle-natured individual whom we fondly refer to as "Good" is a people horse; easy to be around and a trainer's dream, so willing, just show him, ask, and he does it! He's been used out for all phases of ranch cow work, doctoring, and branding, and is also a solid, grounded, quiet head-and-heel arena rope horse, too. He is that special kind and is only getting better with his Wil Howe "high school" education. They don't come any fancier or classier than this guy. A cowboy's dream mount, or turn heads in town or on the trail with this one!
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The WHR Legacy continues on with Beverly ...Where the pursuit of perfecting horse & rider is a way of life
For all horse inquiries, please call Wil Howe Ranch at 541-893-6535 mornings or evenings Pacific Time for personal attention to your requests. Remember, we usually have several geldings not currently listed. $20,000 and up. Let us help you find the horse of your dreams! Click here for details on purchasing a WHR gelding.
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