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Happy Christmas!

From the Wil Howe Ranch - Southwest OutPost

Dear Friends of Wil Howe Ranch,

We're pulling in to our Tumbleweed Outpost in Cochise just in time to celebrate Christmas Arizona the sunshine! What a change from last winter! While we bask in the warmer climate for the next few months, you can reach us at 520-826-0188.

It took quite a bit of time these past couple of months to get things ready to go at the Oregon home ranch, but we're grateful to be on our way and out of the snowbelt for the winter. One last fall project was to redo the footing in our turnout pens behind our stalls so there'll be no mud issue when we return next spring! Nice!

Just missing the NFR in Las Vegas, we had smooth sailing south and stopped in cowboy town, Wickenberg, Arizona - the winter team roping mecca - to visit friends and let the horses rest a day.

We will be busy getting our Outpost cleared of tumbleweeds and tidied up for a week or two, but should be settled in by New Year's Day.

Our horses will be getting back in the swing of things after their little pre-winter lay-off, and we look forward to riding in this great weather and having folks visiting and working with us soon.

Watch for more updates in next week's New Year Greeting...

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas filled with true Comfort & Joy...the real Reason for the Season...our dear savior' s birth.

Blessings, Good Horses & Friendship,

Wil, Beverly, Katie Ranch Dog, and Petunia...

our one and only WHR mare!  

Call to schedule your private/group clinic at 520-826-0188. We're available all winter-don't miss the opportunity to advance yourself and your horse!


For all horse inquiries, please call Wil Howe Ranch at 541-893-6535 mornings or evenings Pacific Time for personal attention to your requests. Remember, we usually have several geldings not currently listed. $20,000 and up. Let us help you find the horse of your dreams! Click here for details on purchasing a WHR gelding.

© 2019 Wil Howe Ranch

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