We've finally arrived at our winter location in Cochise, Arizona, later than usual due to wild winter weather delays. So we're here in sunny Arizona with a string of 7 head thru April. Horse sales & clinics are available by appointment...come join us in the sun! You can contact us now at 520-826-0188 or on Bev's cell at 520-820-1096.

We left northeast Oregon with a blizzard chasing us and frigid
temps out across eastern Idaho and Nevada, so we decided to hole up down south in Alamo, Nevada and wait out the intense rain and snowstorms that hit Las Vegas and Arizona. While there,the horses enjoyed the sunshine as much as we did, and Beverly rode five head for two days out on the desert, in town, and in the roping arena there, helping locals train some new roping steers to run to the end gate. As many of the ropings and events in Arizona were canceled due to soggy arenas and treacherous snow-clogged freeways, we enjoyed our moment of rest and reprieve. We rolled into our Southwest "Tumbleweed" Outpost by Tuesday, Feb 26th, in good shape, and the past week of 60º and 70º days have been awesome. The horses' coats will be flying soon!

Those of you stuck in the floods and late spring snowstorm mayhem are invited to break away and join us for whatever amount of time you can afford yourselves... the sunshine and good horses we have to offer will do you a world of good! There are easy flights into Tucson, and we can offer our WHR Foundation to Finished Bridle-Horsemanship Clinics by the day or week, along with a taste of some outstanding geldings we have for offered for sale, including our very special flashy guy Jasper, a 7 year we've been keeping on the back burner who's coming on; truly a one-of-a-kinder!

NEW! 12 yr Pretty Bay All Round Cow/Rope Horse
15.1 hands 1200 lbs
Grays Starlight, Docs Sug, Doc Tari & Peppy San, traditional cow horse breeding. Cowhorse deluxe here! ZeeZee is a talented individual with a stacked conformation...muscles, big hip and pretty face! A seasoned ranch horse used for all aspects--doctoring, gathering to branding, and indeed a great cow horse in the sorting pen. Really watches a cow and fun to cut and sort on. He's also been arena heeled on. Gentle and willing, soft, light, and responsive, ZeeZee is easy to ride, point and go with collected gaits, yet fully powered and has plenty of juice to get to a cow quick. He's solid always and great to cruise around town and on the trails.

NEW! 10 yr Bay Big & Tall Ranch Horse Deluxe
15.3 hands 1275 lbs
This big handsome mount is everyone's pick for the job. All business, yet a gentle pet, easy-going and trustworthy. Been raised and used strictly for all phases of ranch work--branding, doctoring, corral sorting and gathering. In the bridle, nice neck rein, handy for a big horse, moves nice and can cover the country like no other. Big boned and built for work. Whether you're looking for a ranch cow horse you can be a weekend warrior on, go hit the trails for pleasure, or drop a big loop down for some ranch roping competition, this guy is truly a Top Hand.

NEW! 11 yr Seal Brown Black
14.3 hand 1075 lbs
Elegant built, smooth riding, and well-broke...a been there, done that Mr. All- Around. From his cowhorse breeding and early reining start, Captain is a true gentleman in the arena, out on the trails, desert, or in town on the road. He's been shown and won many ribbons in showmanship, halter, western riding, reining and trail in Open Shows with both youth and adult. One-family owned and just a sweet guy for any use. Doesn't get rattled and loves being ridden, willing and kind and fun to ride, no hassle gentle soul, the kind you look long and hard for.

NEW! 5 yr Sorrel with Socks
14 hands 1050 lbs and stout!
By Rockin W, cutting start, super gentle, handy broke cow horse, ranch branded on, started in heeling, a first class prospect for big time roping, sorting, ranch versatility & ranch riding competition or just that special personal, all-around using trail horse. He's cool-headed and easy riding. Coming along nicely in the program.
NEW! 7yr old Steel Dapple Gray
Big time rope horse prospect going very well, solid in box, rate and moves and ready to take to the next level after we put our WHR handle and finish on him. Smooth, big stop, very athletic and a cat on his feet. Personable, timid, friendly personality who tries hard to please. Great outside, good traveler, and branded on too. Gorgeous grey color, black points, and extraordinary mane and tail...very unique...will really be stylin' when he's handling fancy in the bridle!

For more information on our geldings, booking horse appointments, and clinic dates, call us in the mornings or evenings at 520-820-0188.
From the sunshine, cactus, & Cochise Stronghold rocks... always on a "good one"!
Beverly & Wil