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November 2008

Dear Friends,Happy Fall Harvest Season!

The golden colors have made their annual appearance here again. It's our favorite time to ride the upper country with the tamarack turning in the mountains and the hills lit up with orange & red hackberry bushes and golden dry grass,  dotted with black cattle working their way down to the valley ready for local ranches'  fall gathering.

Our Eagle Creek is lined with cottonwoods, and the leaves that gather around the barnyard are always the season's treat for the horses. Like giant vacuum cleaners, they "Hoover" up the fallen leaves like corn chips. The Indian ponies of the plains lived on Cottonwood leaves & bark through the long winters, staying down on the riverbanks protected from the winds much like our valley here. As the nights get colder and the beautiful Indian summer gives way to fall and winter-like weather, we too are looking for warmer conditions as we finish up our fall business here and start planning our trip to Arizona for the winter.

TRADITIONS of the CALIFORNIA REINED COWHORSES... We recently enjoyed attending the NRCHA Reined Cow Horse Snaffle Bit Futurityfinals down in Reno, Nevada. It is always a thrill to be exposed to the cream of the crop in the cowhorse world. The very best horses and top hands getting them shown the California way--the roots of our training program. Watching the seasoned and finished horses in the Hackamore & Bridle classes is always our favorite! For the results and some cool video clips from the competition, visit the official NRCHA website.

Boyd Rice, last year's Snaffle Bit Champion from Texas, with an obvious cutting horse background, made a distinctive impression on us, as his style and technique of a "nose first" head hunting cow horse stood apart from the pack. This is the same style and uniqueness that Wil uses in his cowhorse training and shares in our coveted cowhorse classes. Our second favorite horse of the show, which ended up winning the Futurity, was ridden by John Ward for whom we have the utmost respect, along with his dad, the late Greg Ward--both great horsemen & cow horse trainers. Having gone to that show for 30 years now, we have seen many of these young guys grow up, and now they too are turning the torch over to a new generation of talent.

Our hope is that the these "young hands" stay open to learning and mentoring from the "old hands" and preserve the tradition, so that the true essence of the California Reined Cow Horse won't be lost forever to the big money politics and new trend setters. We must continually revisit, resurrect and contemplate the wisdom of the past, be it in horse training or life.  Let us not lose sight of that irreplaceable foundation that takes such a long time to build. Our country, our own lives, and in our horse training--we all need to take a breath and reflect on where we've been, where we're going, what we're doing, and at what cost.

Go take your horse for a ride and enjoy this precious autumn season and give thanks for all that we do have!


Now is the time to take advantage of our 10% early sign-up discount! To help you even more, we have kept our prices at the 2008 rates!

We can't encourage you enough to come join us, as we offer an educational experience like no other in practical, applicable, hands on, down-to-earth language only Wil and Beverly can deliver. You will attain goals for you and horse that you never thought possible! Check out our school website page for details and dates. And ladies, be sure to put Beverly's Ladies Only Arizona Cowgirl Camp March 1-7 on your Christmas list!!!  

To former Wil Howe School attendees...whether it was just last year or several years since you have been with us, we always welcome and embrace our past people. We built a close relationship with each and everyone of you during those week-long sessions over the past 15 years. Though we do still see and hear from many of you, we often wonder how the rest of our past students are doing. We know that some of you just need to be spurred into if you can swing it, and you haven't been to our Arizona winter location or the Oregon Home ranch, try making it this year! We know it is all a matter of priorities, but you owe it to yourself and your horses to stay on the path of refinement and betterment in your lives. Let us rekindle your passion and spur you on!

Come ride, train, kick the campfire, and let us keep you on course, challenge your thinking, inspire you, and share deeper layers of "the good news" in horsemanship and life.

What more can we say--be there!! or be square!!!  For more info or to sign up, contact Beverly at 541-893-6535

FALL STRING of WHR HORSES in DEMAND New Horses in the Program and Featured WHR Gelding "Corona" As usual, our fall horse activity with clients always keeps us busy and we're now in a hurry trying to get the horses videotaped before the golden leaves drop. With new changes coming to the website later this year, we will also implement an online video approach of showcasing our horses for sale. So keep watching for that to happen!

We have a couple of horses we have had for quite some time that really should be sold by now; somehow they've been overlooked. One in particular is a handsome palomino, "Corona". This gelding is as good as they get, always the same "turn-key" horse and a true "pleasure" trail horse in every sense of the word. He is a seasoned "been there, done that" guy with a kind disposition suited and ready for any job, trail, or family member that wants to ride, from the kids to granddad. From gathering a pasture of cattle to sorting them in the pen or cruising down the road, in traffic or on trails, in the trees or ridge tops, or crossing a river, "Corona" is a "Cool One" and will even pack a six pack for you in the saddle bags! Don't hesitate to own this one--and his age at 13 is just ideal. We always prefer a 12-year-old or older for getting on and getting things done without fussing. Note: the average age of the ranch geldings we rode with last summer in Wyoming was 15 years old. They were solid and ready to go, be ridden and worked all day, and did their jobs willingly with no "childish nonsense."

For more info on "Corona" and any of our other geldings, contact Wil mornings or evenings at 541-893-6535, pacific time. Be sure to ask about our first, second, and third string horses and their prices, as well as our special offerings of tack suited just for the horse.


Be sure to go to our Practical Use Tack Page for all your Christmas shopping. We feature the best training gear, accessories, and specialty use training tools. Wil's simplistic approach in tack will get you results with" feel" at prices you can afford.

There is nothing better than to share a quality and useful piece of tack or gear with a horse friend, or better yet, to spread the message of Wil's philosophy by giving his timeless From Foundation to Finished© DVD's. All our DVD's are 10% off for the holiday season, and the entire WHR 6 DVD Package is on sale at an extra savings price of $325.

Be sure to ask Dary Reed any of your tack questions and let him help you outfit your horse with what you need as you and your horse progress. E-mail Dary at, go online to order, or call his order-line cell number 509-952-3188.

Till the snow flies... enjoy this beautiful season, ride as long as you can, count your blessings, and get out there and vote! It's a privilege!!

Happy, Safe Trails & Turn- Arounds,

Beverly & Wil

and the WHR Crew--

Dary at Huckleberry's Line Shack, Pauline at the Ranch, and Bonnie in Bookkeeping

Look for our ads in the November issues of Western Horseman, Trail Rider, Cowboy Magazine, American Cowboy, and Cowboys & Indians.


For all horse inquiries, please call Wil Howe Ranch at 541-893-6535 mornings or evenings Pacific Time for personal attention to your requests. Remember, we usually have several geldings not currently listed. $20,000 and up. Let us help you find the horse of your dreams! Click here for details on purchasing a WHR gelding.

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