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All the Wonderful Horses We Placed

WHR Indian Summer & Fall News

Wow! Has the year gone by, and in a hurry, too! I'm not sure where to start to get you all up-to-date, as we haven't sent out a newsletter yet this year. As fall approaches and we plan to voyage south to Arizona once again, I also realize that I never did a recap on all the wonderful horses we placed last winter in Arizona and this summer in Oregon. So look below to follow their placements and read inspiring letters from our happy clients who are out "getting 'er done" because of their involvement with our horses and training.

Remaining True...

Though our presence in print is substantial, with advertisements in Western Horseman, Cowboys & Indians, Working Ranch, Ranch & Reata, and now Beverly in the next issue of Cowgirl magazine, our operation remains small and personal. The folks with whom we interact here at the ranch are met on an intimate level as we connect with people who come to further their journey in refined horsemanship, are just getting started with horses, or step up and acquire one of our personal geldings.

To us, the horses we sell (the heart of our business) are more than inventory; they are our personal mounts that we invest our time and energy into molding, training, advancing, and nurturing into a worthy and desirable premier saddle horse. We see them as kind of our children which we then "adopt out", so to speak. We take the selling of our horses more personally than most in the horse business. That is why we spend the time with our clients to assure their compatibility with the horse... kind of like E-Harmony for horses & buyers! By educating the horses as well as the prospective buyers, we know both sides of the equation and can match and customize the match to fit both their needs for optimum success. Not all relationships are a match, so we strive for that best-educated horse and rider so that each knows what to expect from the other...and it works. 

As the autumn season of harvest time moves us forward, we find ourselves embracing the unique niche we have carved out for ourselves, leading a life few have ever dreamed of. Ever grateful to our horse clients and students who all become friends, we continue paring things down to enjoy our horses and the process more fully, and all life has to offer in general. This has given us much more flexibility as we realize that we can service people with our horses from any location as we more fully embrace the attitudes of less is more and life is too short not to ride the best horses. We will be leaving Oregon earlier this year to arrive in Arizona in November so we'll be available by appointment to see the horses and hold private clinics prior to the holidays. In 2013, we hosted a lot of private sessions that were not part of our scheduled classes; we will continue to offer that service to our clients, though the school sessions are still the very best learning opportunity due to the variety of horses and students.

Wil sharing pearls of Cowboying and gathering cattle with private clinic student

When our schedule allows, we also see a huge benefit to our horse clients if we can give a clinic at their home location, on their turf with their own set of questions and specific situations. This year, we did that in Las Vegas, Island Park, Idaho, and Beverly even flew back to Columbus, Ohio to put on a private Cowgirls Only five-day clinic, as shipping the client's WHR horses out here was not feasible. If you are interested in such an idea, contact Beverly to schedule a coaching clinic for the coming year.

Short & Sweet...2013 WHR Geldings...

Wonderful homes & happy clients!

Ravello & Vicky

Here is where the geldings from our 2013 string ended up..."Wiley" went to Dubois, Wyoming, for back country riding..."Baily" went to San Diego and now is being shown as well as doing some trail riding..."Charmin", now "Scout", is trail riding in Corrales, New Mexico..."T.J." went to the trails and to do Cowboy Dressage and play with cattle in Coure'de Alene, Idaho, in the summers and ride the desert trails in Las Vegas in winters..."Whisper" and "Twister", both fantastic cutting and trail horses, went to a mother-daughter team in the bay area of California for cowboy dressage, trail riding, and cow work too...the cute little Smart Chic Olena-bred Buckskin went to Island Park, Idaho, to trail ride half the year and work cows in Ennis, Montana, with a return client who has bought three other WHR geldings over the past 15 years...and "Ravello" has recently been matched up with a Canadian from Alberta; he'll spend the winter with us and the new owner will come join us in Arizona for more saddle and clinic time and to work cows in the warmer climate.

Pendleton Round Up...and wrap up...

The 2013 Pendleton Round Up was another fun weekend of showing off "Bling", our specialty chocolate palomino that we have had on the back burner for three years. He will be surfacing soon, coming available to some lucky person. At both the 2011 centennial and this year's Round Up, Bling was the star of the massive parade and downtown scene, graciously allowing fans of all ages to smother him with affection. Decked out once again in our 1800's and great basin buckaroo cowboy gear, this year Bling was accompanied by "Lou", our big handsome and muscled dappled buckskin who looked the part with Wil astride him. 

The highlight of the season was enjoying many a day in the mountains and out in Nyssa, Oregon, in the rugged Owyhee country, punching cows with good cowboy friends. Just hauling, using, and schooling our boys into becoming better horses with every ride we make on them, all the while enjoying nature and communing with God where He is better heard, out on a sagebrush-laden cow trail, rocky rim top, or mountain meadow lined with fir and is good. Do what you like, and like what you do! #1 Rule!

Hope you all can break away and join us in Arizona by signing up for another learning experience "like no other" and move your horse relationships, riding, and training goals to the next level of refinement. As Wil would say..."Step up and commit...don't just talk about it... do it!" Time is flying by, so slow it down and make the journey on horseback. 

Always riding for the brand...on a good one!

Beverly & Wil

Winter 2014 Arizona Schedule

  • January 17-22 From Foundation to Finished Bridle Horsemanship

  • January 23-25 Reined Cow Working

  • February 1-4 Ladies Only Practical Horsemanship

  • February 8-12 Outback Trail Training & Horsemanship

  • March 3-7 Cowgirls Only Progressive Horsemanship

  • March 17-22 Ranch Versatility

Visit our website for full course descriptions, fees, registration information, and pre-payment discount availability.

WHR Geldings Delivering!...Enjoyment, Confidence, & Freedom...Letters from Happy 2013 Clients

Dear Wil & Beverly:

We recently went on a trail ride that was pretty tough, and I will tell you, we never had as much confidence out on the trails as we do with our wonderful WHR horses. Never for a moment did I doubt that Dunnit could not handle what we did, and Snickers was great, too. Dunnit and I have been doing my "Fillies Group" trail rides in addition to going out at least three times a week or more with Oliver. We are so happy with our horses, we can't begin to tell you...Dunnit is doing awesome in the ranch trail classes, too, it is so much fun! He has never refused a thing and tries very hard, it's me that gets a little mixed up! I love that great horse beyond the moon!

Oliver also rode Snickers in the ranch trail classes and has done well in the competitions. This spring, he took Snickers on the big Vistadores Ranchero ride and did ride him in their parade to be blessed at the Mission. He was a perfect gentleman, nothing upset him, and Oliver said he has never felt so confident on a horse. We LOVE those boys! They are such a blessing in our lives!!! We ride as much as possible; it is our stress-free activity, and we thank God every day for them and for meeting you both, all such a blessing. I also get on your website regularly, and saw that beauty of a buckskin, Lou. Wow! He has some muscles!! You all have the best-looking riding horses I have ever seen. Take care, and know we think of you often and watch the DVD's when we need our Wil & Beverly fix!

Kelly & Oliver D.

Hi Beverly & Wil, 

Bailey caused quite a stir at the barn, and so did JC's riding ability and my new confidence. Everyone wants to know about you both and your 10 Steps. Bailey just keeps exceeding everyone's expectations, including mine. We just love him-he really is a kind, respectful, intelligent horse who is aware of his job. Plus, Leonard, my horse, just loves him.  Upon returning from our private clinic with you, Leonard is a changed little guy. He still needs consistent training in the 10 Steps (I am on it!), yet most of the things that have bothered him are now uninteresting and quite a bit of his "baby behavior" is ending. Just for fun, I rode an older spooky mare with terrible habits out on a cold windy day (always scared of the wind) and using your techniques, she became a changed horse. It was the first time I really enjoyed riding her. It is hard to say thank you enough. Just know you both changed our whole perspective on horses and their care. I wish everyone could experience your teaching and training. We will be back!!! Rest assured.  

With the deepest appreciation, 

A & JC M., San Diego

Hi Beverly and Wil, 

"Scout" is a really nice horse and we are getting out a lot this summer, even in the mid 90's!! Everyone on my block loves him! Anyway, we have been to the mountains at 8,200 feet and lost count of how many local "urban" rides here. We were locked out of our forests and river area due to fire danger for much of the summer, so we did many exploration rides into town and neighborhoods. I still occasionally get flack from new people about his beautiful silver bit, and the three real "cowboys" around these parts noticed right away that he was a bridle horse... I'm grateful to you both for helping me find him and teaching me the Howe way of riding! I'll always need tune-ups, but right now I'm trying to stay out of my head and learn to "feel" more... it's really hard when we're surrounded by so many self- proclaimed "horse experts".

Marcia N., Corrales, NM

Dear Beverly & Wil, 

The boys are doing great, I could not be more pleased with how they are settling in here. We get SO many compliments on how well-behaved and MELLOW they are. Both the vet, the vet assistant, and our shoer were smitten by both of them. I took "Whisper" (now called "Bently") to the cow working clinic and he was AWESOME! It was a BLAST and "Whisper" was a rock star! The instructor even asked me if he was for sale. My answer, of course, was NOOOOOO WAAAAAYYYY!!!! I'm hoping to take "Twister" to the next cutting clinic. I had him adjusted by an equine chiropractor yesterday and the Chiropractor fell in love with him too! He is doing really wonderfully and I just love him to pieces! But trying very hard not to spoil them!

Bonnie H., San Martin, CA

Hi Beverly, 

I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed the weekend in May at your Arizona facility with the two of you and my new guy, "TJ". I can't wait to start riding him and really gain my confidence back. I'm looking forward to finding some time we can spend this summer fine-tuning these skills. Patrick really enjoyed it too, and he is really comfortable that we made the right decision for a horse....Thanks for the week of guiding me in June! Really helped!! TJ is doing great now that I'm following your directions. We're having lots of fun. Went swimming in the lake yesterday with him. What a treat for a desert girl like me. Couldn't be a better horse for me!... TJ and I are getting along well. Enjoying how easy he is to settle into the ride nicely. I've been taking Western Dressage lessons and the trainer says he's a great horse. I'm taking those lessons to better rate him with just my seat, and to be lighter and quicker on the releases in the bridle. I've learned quite a bit that helps my everyday riding. We worked him on cows the other day, doing some sorting and a little bit of ranch cutting. It was great fun because he knows exactly what to do and I learned from him! Gals at the barn really like TJ too. They think he's pretty fancy when he works in the arena but so calm on the trail.I'll see you in Arizona this winter!

Janice A., Las Vegas, Nevada, and Coure'de Alene, Idaho


For all horse inquiries, please call Wil Howe Ranch at 541-893-6535 mornings or evenings Pacific Time for personal attention to your requests. Remember, we usually have several geldings not currently listed. $20,000 and up. Let us help you find the horse of your dreams! Click here for details on purchasing a WHR gelding.

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