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The WHR Legacy continues on with Beverly ...Where the pursuit of perfecting horse & rider is a way of life
We'll be returning to the
Hoback River Ranch
August 10 - 20, 2018
Join us for another summer session in the
beautiful Wyoming mountains!
Hosted by Bob Bradley & Suzanne Grottendorfer at the
Hoback River Ranch, 12655 S. Highway 191,
Jackson, Wyoming - 3.8 miles east of Hoback Junction
Look for a log archway on the right, just past Camp Creek Restaurant (old KOA) on the left.
COWGIRLS Mountain Horse Retreat
with Beverly Howe and hosted by Suzanne Grottendorfer
4-day clinic of horsemanship, relationship, and leadership building with your horse, Cowboy Dressage refinement in the saddle, and trail tactics training, all while enjoying the scenic back-country up Willow Creek in Wyoming. Limited to 6 riders.
Horsemen's Mentoring with Wil Howe
Private Sessions by appointment only with the Master, hosted by Bob Bradley
Down-to-earth, up-front, honest evaluation, instruction, and wisdom, straight from the heart, in two- to four-hour sessions. $375
Watch for more information to come!
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